A Movement Telling The World About JESUS

Our Story
WWJD - "What Would Jesus Do" has become a one of the most famous questions in our culture. But, what WOULD Jesus do? What would be the answer?
As, HWLF - "He Would Love First", we set out to answer that famous question & create a movement of Jesus' Love. We wanted the world to know the simple answer & for that answer to spark conversation about the Gospel of Jesus!
We wanted the world to know THE GOOD NEWS; Jesus came to a world of sinners and showed the most radical expression of love by giving his life.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” - Romans 5:8
From there, we started spreading that GOOD NEWS through handing out & selling bracelets. We never planned / imagined what God was going to do with our "small" bracelets, but we knew we had to tell the world.
Now, a few years later, we are amazed what God has done with what we thought was a small idea.
We receive testimonies daily of what these bracelets mean to people & all the impact they have made. From a daily reminder to actively "Love First" to someone getting saved because they simply asked what "HWLF" meant.
It's more than bracelets & apparel, but it's pointing people to what really matters ... JESUS!

Our Mission
Our mission is still the exact same as when the idea bloomed in a college apartment. We want to create a movement that's after Jesus' Heart! A movement that tells the world about Jesus' Love. This is why in every package we give a FREE bracelet for you to hand out / give away!
We hope you join us on this mission to share the Gospel of Jesus, because TOGETHERwe can answer that "famous" question! One smile, one huge, one conversation, one bracelet at a time!
What Would Jesus Do?
He Would Love First!