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"What Would Jesus Do?” has always been a common question amongst Christian culture.
Let’s be people who put action into answering that question: He Would Love First!
So many times in our lives we have struggled to start conversations about who Jesus is. We want to change that!
❤️ People are so used to seeing WWJD on these classic keychains! So when they see HWLF they are sure to ask what it stands for! This gives you an opportunity to tell them the Good News of what Jesus did; He loved us first while we were yet sinners to reconcile us back to the Father! ❤️
We include an extra HWLF bracelet with every order because we believe that God so loved the world that He gave. Therefore, all bracelet orders include an extra bracelet. We strongly encourage you to tangibly bless someone whether that be buying a stranger's coffee, gas, groceries or whatever you feel led to do, give them that extra HWLF bracelet & let them know how much Jesus Loves Them! We believe that cultivating a culture of this type of expressed love will truly answer the WWJD question and will lead to conversations about who Jesus is and what He did on the cross!